Kaplan Secure Predictor B Ngn

Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is an innovative assessment tool that provides valuable insights into an individual’s cognitive abilities. With its comprehensive components, reliable scoring system, and diverse applications, this assessment has become a trusted resource in educational and professional settings.

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN comprises various sections, each measuring specific cognitive domains. These sections include verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and critical thinking. The assessment’s content areas cover a wide range of topics, ensuring a thorough evaluation of an individual’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN Definition

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is an innovative assessment tool designed to accurately predict an individual’s performance on the NGN exam, which is required for obtaining a real estate license in several states. This assessment serves as a valuable resource for aspiring real estate professionals, providing them with personalized insights into their strengths and weaknesses.

Developed by Kaplan, a leading provider of educational services, the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN has gained widespread recognition for its accuracy and reliability. The assessment is rooted in extensive research and analysis of the NGN exam, ensuring that it effectively measures the knowledge and skills required to succeed on the exam.

History and Background

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN has undergone rigorous development and validation processes. It draws upon Kaplan’s expertise in real estate education and assessment, as well as feedback from real estate professionals and exam administrators. The assessment has been continuously updated to reflect changes in the NGN exam content and format, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness.

Components of Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates various cognitive abilities and skills. It consists of several sections and subtests, each designed to measure specific areas of cognitive functioning.The assessment includes the following sections:

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Spatial Reasoning
  • Perceptual Speed
  • Memory
  • Attention

Each section covers a specific content area, such as verbal comprehension, mathematical problem-solving, spatial visualization, and perceptual speed. The subtests within each section are designed to assess different aspects of the cognitive ability being measured.

Verbal Reasoning

The Verbal Reasoning section assesses an individual’s ability to understand and interpret written material, draw inferences, and reason logically. It includes subtests such as:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Completion
  • Analogies

Quantitative Reasoning

The Quantitative Reasoning section measures an individual’s ability to solve mathematical problems, reason numerically, and apply mathematical principles. It includes subtests such as:

  • Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Algebraic Reasoning
  • Geometry

Inductive Reasoning

The Inductive Reasoning section assesses an individual’s ability to identify patterns, make generalizations, and draw conclusions from incomplete information. It includes subtests such as:

  • Pattern Recognition
  • Series Completion
  • Classification

Deductive Reasoning

The Deductive Reasoning section measures an individual’s ability to apply logical rules, draw inferences, and solve problems based on given premises. It includes subtests such as:

  • Logical Reasoning
  • Syllogisms
  • Conditional Reasoning

Spatial Reasoning

The Spatial Reasoning section assesses an individual’s ability to visualize and manipulate objects in space, as well as their ability to perceive spatial relationships. It includes subtests such as:

  • Mental Rotation
  • Spatial Visualization
  • Paper Folding

Perceptual Speed

The Perceptual Speed section measures an individual’s ability to quickly and accurately perceive and process visual information. It includes subtests such as:

  • Symbol Matching
  • Number Comparison
  • Letter Comparison


The Memory section assesses an individual’s ability to encode, store, and retrieve information. It includes subtests such as:

  • Verbal Memory
  • Visual Memory
  • Working Memory


The Attention section measures an individual’s ability to focus, sustain attention, and resist distractions. It includes subtests such as:

  • Sustained Attention
  • Selective Attention
  • Divided Attention

Administration and Scoring of Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is administered under controlled conditions by a trained examiner.

The test is untimed, but most individuals complete it in approximately 60 to 90 minutes.

Administration Procedures

  1. The examiner provides the test taker with a test booklet and answer sheet.
  2. The examiner reads the test instructions aloud.
  3. The test taker completes the test.
  4. The examiner collects the test booklet and answer sheet.

Scoring System

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is scored by a computer. The computer program assigns a raw score to each item based on the test taker’s responses.

The raw scores are then converted to a scaled score. The scaled score is a number that ranges from 200 to 800. A higher scaled score indicates a higher level of cognitive ability.

Interpretation of Results

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN results are interpreted by a trained examiner. The examiner will consider the test taker’s scaled score, as well as other factors such as the test taker’s educational background and work experience.

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a great tool for assessing your strengths and weaknesses in the GRE. It can help you identify areas where you need to improve your score. If you’re looking for more practice with circuits, check out the circuits gizmo answer key pdf . It has a lot of great problems that can help you improve your understanding of the concepts.

Once you’ve had some practice, you can retake the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN to see how much you’ve improved.

The examiner will then make a determination about the test taker’s cognitive ability.

Uses and Applications of Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is widely used in educational and professional settings to assess cognitive abilities and predict future performance.

In educational settings, the assessment can help identify students with high potential, provide guidance for academic placement, and develop tailored learning plans. It can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs and interventions.

In professional settings, the assessment is used for hiring decisions, promotions, and career planning. It can help employers identify candidates with the necessary cognitive skills for specific roles and assess their potential for success.

Examples of Use in Decision-Making

  • Identifying students for gifted and talented programs
  • Placing students in appropriate academic tracks
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of educational interventions
  • Hiring decisions for positions requiring high cognitive abilities
  • Identifying candidates for leadership and management roles
  • Career planning and development for employees

Reliability and Validity of Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN

Kaplan secure predictor b ngn

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN has demonstrated strong reliability and validity through various research studies.


The internal consistency reliability of the assessment is high, with Cronbach’s alpha coefficients typically exceeding 0.90, indicating that the items measure the same underlying construct consistently.

Test-retest reliability studies have also shown strong correlations between scores obtained at different time points, demonstrating the stability of the assessment over time.


The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN has been shown to have strong content validity, as it was developed based on a comprehensive review of the relevant literature and input from experts in the field.

Empirical studies have also supported the construct validity of the assessment. For example, the assessment has been found to correlate significantly with other measures of cognitive functioning, such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ-III).

In terms of predictive validity, the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN has been found to be a useful tool for identifying individuals who are at risk for cognitive decline or dementia. Studies have shown that individuals who score below a certain threshold on the assessment are more likely to develop dementia later in life.

Limitations and Areas for Further Research

While the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN has strong psychometric properties, there are some limitations to consider. One limitation is that the assessment is relatively new, and more research is needed to establish its long-term validity and reliability.

Another limitation is that the assessment is designed for use with individuals who are cognitively intact. It is not suitable for individuals with severe cognitive impairment or dementia.

Finally, the assessment is proprietary, which means that it is not freely available for research purposes. This may limit the ability of researchers to conduct independent studies on the assessment.

Despite these limitations, the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a valuable tool for clinicians and researchers who are interested in assessing cognitive functioning. It is a reliable and valid assessment that can help to identify individuals who are at risk for cognitive decline or dementia.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a well-regarded assessment tool, but like any assessment, it has its strengths and weaknesses.


  • High reliability and validity:The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN has been extensively researched and has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of cognitive ability.
  • Predictive validity:The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN has been shown to be a good predictor of academic success, particularly in the areas of math and reading.
  • Easy to administer and score:The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a paper-and-pencil test that is easy to administer and score.
  • Secure:The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a secure test that is designed to prevent cheating.


  • Can be biased:The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN can be biased against certain groups of students, such as those from low-income families or those who are not native English speakers.
  • Not a complete measure of intelligence:The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN only measures a limited range of cognitive abilities and does not provide a complete measure of intelligence.
  • Can be expensive:The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN can be expensive to purchase and administer.

Overall, the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a valuable assessment tool that can be used to help identify students who are at risk for academic failure. However, it is important to be aware of the assessment’s strengths and weaknesses before using it.

In comparison to other similar assessments in the field, the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is generally considered to be a more reliable and valid measure of cognitive ability. However, it is also more expensive than some other assessments and can be biased against certain groups of students.

Ethical Considerations in Using Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a valuable assessment tool, but it is important to use it ethically. Ethical considerations include:

  • Ensuring that the assessment is used for its intended purpose and not for discriminatory purposes.
  • Protecting the privacy of test takers and ensuring that their data is used responsibly.
  • Providing fair and unbiased administration of the assessment.

Guidelines for Ensuring Fair and Unbiased Administration

To ensure fair and unbiased administration of the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN, it is important to:

  • Administer the assessment in a secure environment where test takers are not distracted or pressured.
  • Provide clear instructions to test takers and ensure that they understand the purpose of the assessment.
  • Score the assessment fairly and objectively, without bias or prejudice.
  • Use the results of the assessment appropriately and not for discriminatory purposes.

Future Directions for Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is a relatively new assessment, and its future development and applications are still being explored. However, there are several potential directions for future research and development.

Technological Advancements

One area of future development is the integration of technological advancements into the assessment. For example, the assessment could be administered online, which would make it more accessible to a wider range of candidates. Additionally, the use of artificial intelligence could be used to score the assessment, which would reduce the time and cost of administration.

New Applications, Kaplan secure predictor b ngn

Another area of future development is the exploration of new applications for the assessment. For example, the assessment could be used to identify candidates for specific roles or programs. Additionally, the assessment could be used to track the progress of candidates over time.

FAQ Corner

What is the purpose of the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN?

The Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN is designed to assess cognitive abilities, including verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and critical thinking.

How is the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN administered?

The assessment is typically administered by a trained professional in a standardized setting.

What is the scoring system for the Kaplan Secure Predictor B NGN?

The assessment is scored based on the number of correct answers, and the results are interpreted using standardized norms.